Acupuncture Treatment, Chiropractic Care, and Tradional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a safe and effective way to treat many conditions. Modern research as well as thousands of years of history have demonstrated the effectiveness of this healing art. By diagnosing and treating you as a whole, and not just your symptoms, we can bring lasting relief and reduce further ailments. At Shie Ji, we have 6 generations of tradition in Acupuncture Treatment and Chinese Medicine and have treated thousands of patients over the past 35 years. With previous OBGYN experience as well as classical TCM training, we are able to provide effective integrative care for the best approach to wellness.


Chiropractic care is a popular and effective way to treat many types of aches and pains whether it comes from muscle, joint, bone, fascia, or ligaments. We offer comprehensive body analysis, orthopedic and muscle testing, and spinal palpation to diagnose and determine your cause of pain. Instead of suppressing your pain with pills, we help to retrain your body to its optimal state by treating the origin. We practice gentle and safe diversified technique as well as many other advanced chiropractic techniques to help correct misalignments in your spine and other joints.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient therapy originating from Chinese Medicine to help relieve pain and tightness in an area. It also has the benefits of increasing circulation, removing toxins, controlling inflammation, or general relaxation and well-being. Cupping has become an increasingly popular therapy with many pro-athletes supporting and integrating it into their wellness routine.


Moxibustion is a integral part of Chinese Medicine that works with acupuncture. Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy using a dried herb is burned near specific acupuncture points to warm and invigorate qi and blood flow. It is a effective and relaxing treatment that can benefit many conditions including: Infertility, Arthritis, Fatigue, Anxiety, Digestion problems, Frozen Shoulder, and more.

Herbal Medicine

At Shie Ji, our licensed herbalists can diagnose and prescribe herbal remedies for your specific condition. Herbs are a safe and holistic therapy with minimum side effects compared to western drugs. Our herbal formulas all consist of natural ingredients that have been researched and demonstrated to be effective over thousands of years.

Chinese Medicine Tradition

For more than 23 centuries acupuncture needles and adjunct therapies have mended what is now 1/4 of the worlds population. Yet it is only in the last few decades that most Americans have even heard of them. According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey–the largest and most comprehensive survey of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by American adults to date–an estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture in the previous year.In this country, the success of acupuncture arouses the intellect as it does not fit the paradigm of medicine that most of us hold

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) takes root in our terrain, it evolves to adapt to our environment. Its theory – the ideas about nature, the human body and the self – upon which it is based and its therapies including acupuncture, herbs, diet, moxibustion, are finding their place in the individuals search for on-going health.

The ancient Chinese perceived human beings as a microcosm of the universe. The microcosm of the body is linked to the universe and is affected by the daily and seasonal cycles of nature. (Think about the seasonal affective disorder which manifests itself in winter or when the light is not sufficient). The individual and the world are changing all the time. But Chinese believe that these changes are occurring in certain order and in cycles.